To create an Amazon Forest Oasis for this stunning architect-designed house to be at one within. Commissioned to create the client’s forever home garden, taking inspiration from the Brazilian jungle the client wants it to feel as though the house was being swallowed by the jungle surroundings. They wanted a more dense and lush feel with stepping stone paths to feel you were exploring the jungle.
Engaged to work in close conjunction with the builder to maximise the timeline we had a phased approach. Incorporating organic material with existing soil saved from the excavations to create the optimal soil mix for the intended plants and suitable for the considerable planter boxes in the building. We removed a lot of existing plant species to allow for the introduction of more tropical. We installed stone walls and assisted the builder with crazy paving, levelled, rotavated and laid the lawn area and installed sandstone steppers through the side gardens. Then we planted and we planted!
A true tropical paradise right on the water, rich dense tropical foliage engulfs this beautiful house giving every aspect that feeling of being in the jungle. With creepers dripping off the balconies above and an abundant dense roof garden the house really has become one with its tropical surroundings. The hidden stone pathways through the dense tropical undergrowth allow you to explore and catch a glimpse of the house, the water and the expansive lawn.
Project Date
February 2022
Scope of Works
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Silver – Residential Construction – $50,000 to $100,000